Flanders can be a pioneer in seaweed cultivation, processing and marketing.
Some Flemish companies already use seaweed, but on a small scale and it is derived from wild harvests from abroad. In contrast, local cultivation, processing and marketing of seaweed through the short chain offer many opportunities for the Flemish environment and market. But quite a few barriers still need to be overcome throughout the value chain to make this possible.
The SeaConomy project brought together for the first time a multidisciplinary consortium of companies, sector organisations and government bodies to concretely map the Flemish seaweed industry. They have formulated answers to questions such as:
- Which species are in demand and may be cultivated? What volumes are desired?
- Which cultivation surfaces are needed and which zones are suitable? Which offshore zones are available?
- Is cultivation feasible along the coast or in the offshore wind farms?
- Which technologies are most suitable for cultivation, pre-treatment and processing?
- Which markets can be addressed?
- ...
The consortium presented its vision statement in May 2018.
Partners: Sioen Industries, Provincial Development Agency West Flanders, PURES, Lambers-Seghers, Colruyt Group, in cooperation with Flanders' Maritime Cluster and Flanders' Food.
With the support of: Environmental and Energy Technology Innovation Platform (MIP) of i-Cleantech Vlaanderen.