
Wind turbines in Belgium provide green energy for an average of 25 years. Despite our pioneering role in the installation, use and maintenance of wind farms, we lack the experience to dismantle wind turbines sustainably and professionally. The Ready4Decom project aims to change that.
In progress
Apr 2023 - Apr 2026
DBC as a partner, National project

As several wind turbines in Belgium are approaching the end of their service life, it is important to develop a strategic plan for their dismantling. Ready4Decom wants to contribute to this by developing a clear and supported strategy for both on- and offshore wind turbines in collaboration with stakeholders of the quadruple helix.

Ready4Decom's strategy development focuses on four different topics:

  • Legal aspect: Previous studies have shown that there is too much fragmentation and inconsistencies in the current European, federal and regional legislative framework on dismantling. Therefore, research is being done into how the relevant legislation can be improved.
  • Logistics & processing: The project also focuses on the logistical challenges of dismantling wind turbines at sea and on land. The method of dismantling will have an impact on the organisation of the logistical flow, and vice versa.
  • Social support: The challenges in the energy field have not missed their effect on society. It is therefore important that the public is correctly informed about what happens to wind turbines at the end of their lifespan.
  • Growth strategies and opportunities for companies: The knowledge gained in the project will be bundled and translated into specific opportunities for companies to roll out (new) activities in the decommissioning and repowering market.

Based on the four topics above, Ready4Decom wants to contribute to a truly feasible circular economy to ensure a sustainable future for wind energy and to have a positive impact on the social, economic and ecological well-being of our community.

Partners:  Belgian Offshore Cluster; OWI Lab; Belgian Offshore Platform; Port Oostende; Port of Antwerp Bruges; ODE; EDORA; and OVAM.

With financial support from: Belgium Builds Back Circular

This project is facilitated by Blue Cluster and POM West-Vlaanderen. 

Contact: Stefaan Mensaert

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