Several European partners work together in the project ‘Emerging ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas Region’ to develop a European vision for maritime spatial planning. The focus is especially on a sustainable blue economy.
Sep 2021 - Feb 2024
DBC as a partner, International project

The project 'Emerging ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning topics in North and Baltic Seas Region' is aimed at developing strategies to support marine spatial planning in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and beyond. In this respect, the ambitions and challenges within the scope of the European Green Deal are also taken into consideration.

Within this cross-border project, a great deal of attention is paid to new sectors of the sustainable blue economy. In this context, work is carried out on five climate-related priorities, namely ocean governance, ecosystem approach, blue economy, monitoring & evaluation, and data.

15 organisations from nine European countries located in the above-mentioned region are involved in the project. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland), part of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, acts as driver.

Blue Cluster is the driver of the priority "blue economy" and will compare the marine spatial plans of the different countries and map the stakeholders. Experiences will be shared and  knowledge will be exchanged by means of workshops. This should result in a policy paper on spatial planning in the context of the blue economy. Blue Cluster has been given the mandate from the Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment to carry out these project tasks on their behalf.

Brief presentation of the project

Partners: Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate - Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (Dutch National Administration for Entrepreneurs), Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (Netherlands); Danish Maritime Authority (Denmark); De Blauwe Cluster VZW (Belgium); Regional Council of Southwest Finland, Ministry of Environment, Finnish Environment Institute, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission and Åland Executive (Finland); Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department of the French Navy (France); Federal Agency for Maritime Shipping and Hydrography (Germany); National Agency for Regional Development - VASAB Secretariat (Latvia); Maritime Institute of the Gdynia Maritime University (Poland); and Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and Nordregio (Sweden).

With the support of: European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)

Contact: Marijn Rabaut

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