Supporting European coastal regions in the transition to a sustainable blue bio-economy
The blue bio-economy deals with the production and conversion of renewable marine biological resources into products with added value, such as food, animal feed, biobased products and bio-energy. This sector offers plenty of opportunities to European coastal communities. Innovative business models, short chains, digital solutions and ecosystem services can create new companies and jobs, even for low-skilled employees.
However, blue actors in the bio-economy struggle with technological challenges, a lack of knowledge and skills and/or regulatory barriers. BlueBioClusters brings together 13 (cluster) organisations from 9 regions, who are each strongly involved in supporting start-ups, companies and policy makers in their region for the roll-out of innovations. Together, they develop new tools and methods to facilitate entrepreneurship in the blue bio-economy.
In this context, the partners will build joint knowledge on:
- blue biobased value chains for aquaculture and fishery products;
- valorisation of ecosystem services by companies and governments;
- technology needs for cultivation, stabilisation and processing of marine biomass;
- coaching of starters and co-creation of innovative business models; and
- Communities of Practice for regional development of blue bio-economy.
Blue Cluster leads the work package on the valorisation of ecosystem services. We expect to create a long-term impact by having several Flemish actors collaborate with the other regions in the projects to determine business opportunities in the blue bio-economy. The results of BlueBioClusters will be updated and maintained through an interactive portal, including after the project has ended.
Partners: Blue Cluster (BE), Submariner Network (DE), Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique (FR), Tartu BT Park (EE), Klaipedos Universitetas (LT), Tartu Ulikool (EE), Islenski Sjavarklassin (IS), Blue Bio Alliance (PT), Associacija Klaipedos Regionas (LT), Innovatum (SE), AKP (NO), BlueBridge (BE) and SAMS (UK)
With the support of: the European Union through the Horizon Europe programme
Contact: Kristien Veys