Wind energy in Europe: facts and figures

What is the share of wind energy in the energy mix? How many wind turbines are there in Europe? And what materials are wind turbines made of? Immerse yourself in the new WindEurope publication and increase your knowledge of wind energy in Europe.
02 July 2024

WindEurope, the European wind energt association, has recently launced a new publication 'Value of Wind'. This booklet contains a lot of useful facts and figures with regard to the onshore and offshore wind energy sector in Europe.

A couple of highlights

Below you can find a selection of interesting facts and figures we wanted to share with you rightaway: 

  • Wind energy accounts for 19% of all electricity we consume; 
  • Wind energy was produced 89% onshore and 11% offshore in 2023; 
  • Europe has no fewer than 107,000 wind turbines, of which 3630 are offshore; 
  • The European wind energy sector accounts for no fewer than 350,000 jobs; 
  • Wind farms generate €10 billion in taxes every year.

Takeaways for the future

WindEurope also puts forward the following measures to further support the sector:

  • Invest massively in electricity grids
  • Accelerate the permitting of renewables, grids and industry
  • Help heavy industry electrify
  • Ensure a level playing field for Europe’s clean tech industry
  • Focus innovation on scale-up.
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About WindEurope

WindEurope is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind energy across Europe. The organisation has over 500 members from across the whole value chain of wind energy: wind turbine manufacturers, component suppliers, power utilities and wind farm developers, financial institutions, research institutes and national wind energy associations.

WindEurope actively coordinates international policy, communications, research and analysis. The organisation also provide various services to support members’ requirements and needs in order to further their development, offering the best networking and learning opportunities in the sector.

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