Integration of floating solar in offshore wind farms

On 6 March, the partners in the SWiM project are organising a workshop on the integration of floating solar in offshore wind farms. The main topics to be be discussed are permits and tender criteria, and integration in the Belgian Marine Spatial Plan.
Own activity, By invitation only
Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences - RBINS, Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussel

The purpose of this first workshop within the scope of the SWiM project is to explore the challenges with regard to permits and tender applications for the integration of offshore solar in existing wind farms in Belgium. We delve into various policy, business and environmental related topics and provide tangible policy advise to the government as a project result. 

This workshop is an initiative by Blue Cluster with the support of all partners in the SWiM project. 

Check out the detailed programme

12:00 noon Lunch
1:00 pm Presentations & pitches
2:00 pm Interactive workshop
3:30 pm Coffee break
4:00 pm Conclusions & way forward
5:00 pm Networking drink
6:00 pm Conclusion of the event

This programme is indicative only and may be subject to change.

Zon & zee

Practical information

The event's main language is English. Participation is free of charge, but prior registration is required.

This event is invitation only. If you did not receive an invitation but are interested to attend, please reach out to Kinnie De Beule.

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