Mission and core values
Blue Cluster is an independent and neutral partner that supports Flemish companies in setting up partnerships with other companies, knowledge centres and government institutions in order to develop and promote economic activities at sea.

Mission and core values
Mission: Blue Cluster aims to be the preferred partner for companies that intend to develop innovative activities and apply their expertise to the sustainable blue economy.
We de-risk innovation in five domains:
- Strategic (roadmaps)
- Financial (subsidies and external funding)
- Resources (partners)
- Commercial (market knowledge)
- Regulatory (policy & stakeholder management)
Four core values summarise what Blue Cluster stands for
- we stand for transparent cooperation and adopt a supportive approach
- we seek sustainable solutions by considering the broad correlation and interaction with other systems
- we are creative and inventive, and dare to go off the beaten path
- we achieve successes on the basis of flexibility and decisiveness
Blue Cluster is a bottom-up initiative rather than the continuation of an existing organisation. The connecting factor is the link with the sea, where there is a need for far-reaching collaboration between sectors without a tradition of cooperation.